Missing in Action


I hit the snooze button a few months back after starting off my website and posting some content and lets say kind of “disappeared”. I thought it was high time I reset this cycle and explain why I was “missing in action” all this time.

Life got in the way

As vague as this may sound, life got in the way - a bit too much maybe! Due to the whole pandemic situation and multiple country-wide lockdowns life became a bit challenging emotionally and mentally and it became a little hard to stay motivated at mantaining this.

I have been in the process of submitting a thesis to complete my Masters degree which took a substancial amount of time (Machine Learning is interesting but lead me to a lot of rabbit holes) but finally I have graduate with a Masters degree in Computer Science with a specialisation to Applied Cyber Security. Secondly, I decided to switch employers to persue other, more specialised opportunities and hence the interviews and overall process took most part of my day apart from working full-time. Although, all the interviewing processes have paid off and I have landed a role as a Red Teamer!

What am I up to?

Since this is more of a status update I’d like to share what I’m doing currently. To keep it simple, I have been in head-down study mode to study for some Offensive Security and Red Team style certifications. I have delibrately kept these unnamed as I expect to write detailed reviews and preparation style blogs on these which might be of interest to some (or most) of you.

I have also been granted the privilege to be added as a contributor on a GitBook wiki (Joined Adversary Simulation Manual) some of my fellow Cyber Security Researchers, Red Teamers and Penetration Testers have compiled very generously to serve as a token of knowledge and appreciation to the Cyber Security community catering to all levels and freely accessible via GitBook.

If you are interested, it can be viewed at https://jam-session.gitbook.io/.

What you should expect

I have a few topics streamlined for this blog including a lot of Red Teaming Attack Simulation Tactics, Active Directory based attacks, Exploit Development, Backdooring Portable Executables and a whole lot more. You can certainly expect a lot of interesting topics that I will be posting and on and will try my best to stay more consistent on interesting content posting this time - Stay tuned!


Certified Red Team Professional - Review


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