Iced Coffee
Living in Dublin, we have tons of option to grab a good cup of coffee, although with the sizzling heat of summer, a good cold coffee can be hard to find. I've been trying to look for good coffee places and when I did find a good spot or two, I ended up spending about quite a bit of money on a good cup! While in lockdown, I decided to create a perfect cup of iced coffee, never to look back at searching for a good cup or paying hefty amounts for it again.
All you need is a strong brew of coffee from a good source of coffee beans. I usually prefer to brew it a night before using it, but if you are on-the-go and need something quick, then instant brews work as well. Next, you just add a syrup of your choice as an optional sweetening agent and a splash of cold milk (I prefer chilled almond milk, but you can use a milk of your choice).
Sugar: 1/2 Cup
Vanilla Extract: 1/2 Teaspoon
Coffee: 1 Cup (at room temperature)
Almond Milk: 4 Tablespoon (or milk of choice)
Mix the sugar and and a cup of water and bring to half a boil until the sugar dissolves in the water
Now mix the vanilla extract once the sweetened water syrup has cooled down to room temprature
Mix the sweetened water and vanilla extract liquid mix with a brew of coffee you set aside a night before Serve the coffee mix over ice (with an optional syrup and cream of your choice as a topping)